Leadership course

Leadership course

To lead is a gift of success, each and every child have a chance to be the leader of their own life and here at Kids’ World, we want them to learn the importance of learning the different leadership styles and what it means to be a leader.

In order for the children to become independent, self-sufficient students, we want them to know how it is to lead a team, the difference between leadership types and how to better take charge of their own learning from a young age. With the guidance of fellow teachers, they will be leading the children in fun and engaging games with impeccable lessons to be learnt.

Ms Irene Peh – Early Childhood Psychologist Tpauthor

“In a world like ours today where you can easily start your own businesses and take many paths in life, we want to give the children a sense of accomplishment at a young age. From tying their own shoe lace to graduating college, each and every achievement is big.”

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